Friday, April 22, 2011

Blogging Around 4.21.11

First I commented on Klauida's Blog. She wrote about how much we have grown and learned in Humanities thus far this year. How it has changed her way of thinking and acting. I agreed with what she was saying because I feel the same way. "I thought your blog post was great and definitely true. I also learned tons from this class and I reconized it outide of school too. Except when I try to explain it to others they do not understand it quite. I may not like the class all day everyday but I can definitely take away alot from it, you too it seems. Now we get to go off to college with the knowledge of creativity, philosophy, sophisticated and concise wiritng, and a new mind set. I agree with you this class has changed me and how I think and act and I am allowed to think more deeply and write more deeply. I enjoyed your blog and it made me think a lot about what actually I have learned from Humanities.
Good job kaludia :) ".

Also Dajana's blog about cleaning and reorganizing her room , I really connected to. She talked about spending hours listening to music while cleaning and throwing away and donating her things. I said, "
I feel the same exact way. I almost cannot work in my room until everything is in place and cleaned up. A cluttered mind is from a cluttered space but once you clean it up you have a clear mind to create, think, imagine etc. It is good to throw away things you do not need and give to charity what is still wearable".

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