Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best of the Week: Change

One of the Do You Mind?!?! question was If we could change something about ourselves what would it be. Most People said they would change their height( I would too) or their eye color , mine was i would change where i was born so i experienced a whole different upbringing. The culture you grew up in would be different and i feel like depending on where you'd live you know/ wonder certain things. I always wonder about people born overseas learn about in school or about the U.S. I do not know if they would learn all fifty states and have a different way of learning about all the wars and such. Or if i was not born in the middle of nowhere, Illinois, what state would i be born in? I think about it all the time in class how people from other places view Illinois or the U.S. in general. I think what really made me think about it was I watched a video about the Jonas Brothers and they had a concert in Illinois and they said it was in the middle of nowhere but for us it is called home. So depeneding on whre you are born you know certain places or you do not and you grow up differently and that was a big thing I thought about this week that made me wonder a lot.


  1. Addie,
    Oh my gosh! I wonder this ALL the time! I would love to have a chance to be born in a completely different place, different family, friends all that stuff. That would be awesome! Thats really interesting you thought that way because when people are asked what they want to change about them, the first thing we generally think about is appearance. But you didnt and I think thats really special. But it would definately be really cool to live a whole different life and see how different things "could have been."

  2. I appreciate your answer to this question and agree that being born somewhere else is quite a concept to wrap your head around. Being born in an affluent suburb is something so many people take for granted and they don't even stop to think how different their lives would be if they had been born in the Bronx or on the south side of Chicago. Also, how even more different their lives would be had they been born in France or Italy. It's all very interesting to think about.

  3. I believe a lot in this too. I agree with you that your birth place has a lot to do with how you turned out as a person and I feel like your culture does too! For example, I was born in Poland and I soon realized when I was little that my parents viewed different things as rude or disrespectful as the average American family. I think your setting always has an effect on you whether it be positive or negative. I really like how you explored the different aspects of this! And I love your examples!
