Sunday, November 28, 2010

Metacognition: Organization

For this project I organized my room. My sister and I actually share a room so this was a joint effort. I mainly just cleaned off my desk and the area where I do my homework. I usually do this at least once during the week because I go crazy trying to concentrate on homework when there are little things distracting me all over. So this was just a longer and thorougher version of what I do normally. I do enjoy cleaning up because I feel more organized because I am clearing a space on my desk and in my head. I can finally think straight after I put away things and throw things out. Afterwards I feel more calm because I usually listen to music while I clean and I have an area to work and focus instead of being distracted.
It is so true that a clean space = a clear mind because that is what it did for me. Walking into a clean room just makes everything in your head more clean. Thoughts are organized and everything is put in place and easy to access instead of being jumbled up.
I found out that Philosophy takes part in your everyday, even if you do not realize it. I also learned a easy way to clear, organize and relax my mind. This is a project I will definitely continue using in the future.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Change of Mind: The Universe

Well actually it started when I noticed Mr. Glass' quote on the board about how we are just floating in space right now. That kind of thinking scares me a lot. Thinking about how we are so small and we are going to die and will just be buried underground is scary. That is one reason I dislike Sophie's World because topics like death, life after death and thinking that we only have 100 or less years to do things makes me almost hyperventilate and get freaked out. Death is my number one fear and to talk about it is hard because my hearts starts racing and I get worked up over it and have to slowly calm myself. But thinking at how we live from an outside perspective is a scary topic we do not know much about. For instance we do not know if we are the only universe, we are not certain how our universe began, we can not answer questions about live after death, we can only assume based on religious and scientific beliefs.
Now after having that quote on the board and these discussions in class about our uncertainty I am even more scared/ freaked out. First of all, being atheist, I do not believe there is a heaven or after life and even if there was your body is still in ground and you do not live a second life. Philosophy discusses questions about that and what we can not back up scientifically we use religion as the answer. My sister is the type of person that asks those kinds of questions, why is a color named that or why is this that way, she thinks and is fascinated by philosophical questions while the people around her just get annoyed with her asking stupid questions and not knowing the answers. As for me I am the complete opposite of her and fear that type of deep thinking about the universe and death and the end of the world.

Friday, November 12, 2010

iMedia: Abstract Art

This is the kind of art I love making and looking at. This to me is so cool, awesome, nice, bright and colorful. This is a way to think more freely and not have to worry about it like it was a still life painting, the person doesn't have to be painted perfectly. This is more of a way to express yourself. Much more visually appealing to look at, your eyes are everywhere and there is so much going on it is almost hard to follow, that's why I live it. I know i personally chose this kind of art to create because it faster and you can do whatever and its what you like, I just do not have the patients for scenery painting and worrying about details.
Graffiti on walls and cars is this style. A great way of expressing yourself, also illegal in some cases which is why you have to be smart about it but a good way to express and create a tangible work of your thoughts. It goes along with rap music and new music just a jumbled way of expressing yourself. People can chose to like it or not as long as YOU are happy with it that is all that matters. You can take a painting like this one to the left and think what you want about it. That is also the fun with abstract art everyone gets their own ideas out of it. To me it resembles lily-pads in a pond, you can see the flower shapes and the ripple of the pond. Maybe you get a different idea of what this painting is but, enjoy and understand this art like I do.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Connection: Vietnam Memorial

It was the summer after sophomore year that I went and visited family in Washington D.C. On a beautiful day we decided to bike around to all the different monuments and sites on The Mall. At the time the Vietnam Memorial meant nothing because I did not have any background information on the war or the process of making the monument.
If I was to go back today, I would know the symbolism behind the blank slab of concrete carved down into the ground and representation of overcoming death. I would have learned from my U.S. History class the conditions of the Vietnam War and how terrible it was. My Aunt was trying to explain the haunting, sad feeling you get from walking past the wall as she was tearing up but I just did not understand the significance. I can now feel the emotions that Maya Lin was going through trying to create this sculpture and have so many people bash it. Even though I do not know anyone on the wall I can still feel the impact and hate for the war and the sadness behind the deaths and the symbolism of overcoming your loss as you walk down and back up the wall. I am excited to now go to the wall and fully understand the concept and emotions and not reject the beauty of the Memorial.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

iMedia: Slumdog Millionaire

In case that did not work here's the link for the trailer,

The movie Slumdog Millionaire is one of my favorite movies. It teaches you about the other side of the world you do not know much about. It is also sad people have to live in conditions like that; we take so much for granted in the U.S. Slumdog Millionaire reminded me of the movie we watched in class, “Life in the Brothels” they talk about their sad lives over there and how when they grow up none of them have very high hopes for one another in the future. That is why there is an American woman there is teaching them photography and trying to give them a better education and life. Similar to Jamal, the main character in the movie, this movie shows they should not give up in the lives they have, he won a million dollars out of luck. These types of movies I like, very informational while showing what needs to be shown to make other people around the world aware of the circumstance in other countries and what we take for granted. I also love the movie for the names of the characters, Jamal, Latika and Salim. This movie does a really good job of portraying cultures in another country and forces realization that there are people in the world with out tap water, clean clothes and even toilets.
We should be happy with the lives and possessions we have now after seeing them struggle for even food and fresh water. This movie is very informative and spreads awareness of the problems around the world we are not normally exposed to. Movies like this are sad to see the way people live but they have a great story line. Jamal, the whole movie he is looking for his childhood friend and in the end he finds her finally after all his struggling, his destiny has been found.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best of the Week: Mindbook

The best idea I got out of this week was better understanding myself, through my Mindbook. It was hard to think of ten things that have happened to me that make up who I am. This assignment made me realize why I am who I am. What makes me do what I do. Using those event will help explain to myself who I am so I can better understand myself and people can better understand me. Making my Mindbook reminded me of all the sad or great events that have happened to me, or what I have chosen to do based on those events. I didn't believe these events could really make me who I am but they did and I now I know it. I don't think upon meeting someone I would say follow this map then talk to me but as they look at it explain to them why these pictures are there. But the Mindbook entry is what it is and I'm happy with it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Metacognition: QE Essay

Throughout the process of writing my essay on the connection between creativity and emotion, I realized they are connected a lot and you do not even notice. It was also hard to keep the topic through the paragraphs without restating the whole question. I thought it was an easier essay topic because we got to choose what we were interested in and it was free flowing and our choice on the form mostly. It was a creatively written essay which then gave me pleasure and interest in writing it, again there is emotional creativity. I think I went a little deeper in my thoughts also because it was a topic i liked. I tried to think outside the box and use examples for most things too. I enjoyed writing the essay but just not the timing we had to write it in.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blogging Around

First was Joe G's blog about how one creative idea comes int he middle of class one day for his mindbook and slowly more and more idea compile on top to create one entry in his mindbook. He also wanted help for his procrastination.

Love the first sentence, journey through your brain is a great way to describe what it in our mindbooks. Looking back at our mindbooks it will show what kinda of thinking we are doing and activities we were into or ideas we agree with. I also am a big procrastinator and put off assignments(such as this) til the night before but working on a mindbook the day its due and slowly adding things as they come to your head slowly would be cool, like you said.

Dajana's post was about how everyone has their own image for something going on in a book. No two people have the same memory in their head.

Totally agree with you. When I see a movie or read I sometimes think about certain parts and think how everyone else will interpret it. Especially in books where they can describe a house and you imagine something completely different from someone else. So reading is kind of freedom for you own brain.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metacognition: Concentration

As I think about writing a paper or completing a essay it is typically a slow process. Depending on the interest in the topic I usually am not very good at doing these. I procrastinate and regret it later and I am distracted easily by Facebook or other internet sites while writing my paper. Typically when I am done with the paper I am sick of writing by then and thinking that I do not even bother proof reading which is horrible and consequents in lower grades on papers. I will change these habits though because they have not lead to anything good in terms of grades for me. I would like to be proud of what I write and not rushed in the end to finish it. I will challenge myself to concentrate on the topic and the goal to not procrastinate. I want to grow and become writer with a better vocabulary too.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Best of Week: Getting Back on Track with Creativity

The best idea we learned in
class this week was the
different ways to reconstitute your creative juices, like rewiring
your dim creativity bulb. The
thought that reading, writing,
hearing or seeing something
may help you to get
that creative boost you
need to finish a writing a
story or add the final
touches to a painting.

This reminds me of some days when I have lots of creativity in me and then the next day I cant even finish a project maybe for that day, that week or that month. I need that extra little kick to keep me on track with my creative thoughts and get back into my project. Usually with my work I am very impatient and just want to finish it. Sometimes though I can not think of anything else to add to my work or how to finish it so I stop for a day. I might just put it away for a while and do it some other time when I feel like it. Sometimes i go on Youtube or Google and try to find inspiration and ideas and that helps too. But now that I have the real key to keeping the creativity flowing; reading, writing, seeing and listening. Next time I get stumped or frustrated with my work and feel like I am never going to finish I know to take a break and work on something else in which it will give me ideas and the drive to finish my projects.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Connection: Humanities+Sociology

The topics we discuss in Humanities remind me as if we are in Sociology class too. The whole philosophical, thinking about other people in odd ways, like challenging yourthoughts remind me of studying human behavior, like in Sociology. Thinking deeply in your own mind and about other minds sometimes I have to sit back in English and remind myself I am in English class not history.
To me, Sociology is the study of human behavior and Humanities is the study of human expression through art, literature and language. So they connect because together they are the total human brain study. Studying the mind and behavior and how one acts also the language and thought process of writing comes through the brain. We are basically emerging ourselves into trying to figure out other people's brains and the points and arguments that they are trying to make. But it isn't just the brain that effects us in Humanities and Sociology , it is also the environment we live in , thefamily we are born into, the culture also plays a major role in how we make discoveries about people. That is the one big connection between the two, is we have to study the culture of the piece we are reading or the people we are analyzing first before we can judge or
comment or conclude anything about them.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Carry it forward: Maple Leaf Rag

We broke down "The Maple Leaf Rag" in our head like we were seeing a left and right hand playing the piano. Listened for the melody and the accompaniment separately then listened to them together. You do not realize until after that, that the two parts depend on each other to make a song. I can definitely use this in the future when listening to song I do not think I like, to maybe appreciate it more. You could
even try and use it for listening to two parts of a story or a fight friends are having, listen to each half then put them together and you have the choice to like or dislike it. Selective listening allows you to find the inner beauty and meaning of music. How the different instruments and beats come together to make something magnificent sounding or potentially magnificent. You must fully listen to something to know if it is good or not.